How To Use A Loom Frame
You will need a loom frame, a comb, a shuttle and a shed stick.
The shuttle is the piece shaped like an H. The shed stick is a long bar not shown in this picture.
You will also need warp and weft threads.

(The needle is not needed for simple weaving, it can be used to sew threads into your fabric once you have woven it.)
Tie the warp thread onto one corner and wrap the thread up and down the frame, winding the thread behind each tooth.

Tie the end of the warp around another corner. The thread should not be too tight as you need to be able to lift the threads to pass the shuttle under them.

Lift alternate threads using the shed stick and pass the shuttle under them from one side to the other.
Lift the threads that were lower on the last pass and return the shuttle. Do not pull the thread too tight so that the side threads don't get pulled in.
Use the comb to push the threads down and close to each other.

Once you have woven a large enough piece for your project, lift the warp off the teeth and the tie pairs of warp threads together.

Tie off all of the threads.

Tidy the thread ends to complete your woven piece of fabric.

This piece is going to be part of a wrist strap.